How To Write Content That Actually Converts

30-Second Summary:

  • Understanding your audience is crucial for content creation; creating detailed personas based on their pain points, desires, and behaviours can significantly enhance content effectiveness.
  • Clear goals and alignment with business objectives are essential, employing strategies like identifying KPIs and tailoring content to different stages of the buyer’s journey.
  • Pain Point SEO and crafting compelling headlines focus on addressing specific audience challenges and creating engaging entry points to drive traffic and improve search rankings.

When thinking about content for your brand, chances are you’re on a mission to not only catch the eye of your audience but to turn those curious looks into meaningful actions. Whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or simply engaging more deeply with your brand, we all want our words to work a little harder at bringing in conversions.

The internet is a crowded place, and standing out amongst endless information can be tough. However, crafting content that converts doesn’t have to be a shot in the dark, and when you consider that content marketing is 3x more efficient in terms of lead generation than outbound marketing, you can see why having this as a mainstay of your SEO strategy is important.

With some creativity, a dash of strategy, and lots of insight into what makes your audience tick, you can create compelling content that not only resonates but also motivates action. As there are various ways of creating content that not only grabs attention but holds onto it tightly, below we’re going to look at how to lead to those all-important conversions.


Understanding Your Audience – The Best Place To Start

Before you create content, you need to know who you’re talking to. Trying to strike up a conversation with someone without knowing anything about them can be tricky, and the same goes for content creation. To craft messages that resonate and ultimately convert, you need to get up close and personal with your audience.

Who Are They?

Start by asking the simple yet crucial questions – Who is your audience? What are their pain points, desires, and interests? Are they busy professionals looking for quick solutions, consumers looking for the best product, or are they tech-savvy millennials in search of authenticity and innovation? Understanding this can transform your content from generic into targeted and engaging.

Creating Personas

One effective way to get to know your audience is through the creation of personas. 44% of marketers use buyer personas for their businesses that are semi-fictional characters that represent your ideal customers. By defining their demographics, challenges, goals, and online behaviours, you can start to tailor your content to speak directly to them. According to HubSpot, websites that use personas are 2 – 5 times more effective and easier to use, so they are worth the time and effort.

  • Gather Data – Use surveys, social media analytics, and customer feedback to collect information about your audience.
  • Identify Patterns – Look for common characteristics and interests that can help segment your audience into distinct groups.
  • Build Your Personas – For each segment, create a persona. Give them a name, a job, challenges they face, and goals they wish to achieve.
  • Tailor Your Content – Use these personas to guide your content creation, ensuring that each piece speaks to the specific needs and desires of your audience.

Remember, the more detailed your personas, the more targeted and effective your content will be. It’s like messaging a friend, you know what to say and how to say it because you understand who they are.

Speak Their Language

Once you have your personas, it’s crucial to communicate in a way that resonates with them. This means using the language they use, addressing the pain points they face, and presenting solutions in a manner that appeals to them. Whether it’s through using humour, empathy, or authority in your writing, the way you convey your message can make all the difference in fostering connections and conversions.

By truly understanding your audience, you’re engaging in a meaningful conversation. And it’s these conversations that can potentially transform a casual reader into a loyal customer.


Setting Clear Goals

Setting clear, actionable goals for your content is as crucial as knowing your audience. Knowing how to write content that converts needs clear direction, and that starts with defining what ‘conversion’ means for you. For some brands, it might be a sale, while for others, it’s a newsletter signup or a download of a white paper.

The best part of creating content that converts is that it can drive a multitude of actions, each valuable in its own right. You want to define what conversion looks like for your business and then set specific goals to achieve it.

Align Content With Business Objectives

With your conversion goals defined, you’ll want to ensure your content is pulling in the same direction as your wider business objectives. 1 in 3 media planners use content to engage with their audience and have this as a top strategic goal. Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness, drive engagement, or boost sales, each piece of content should serve a purpose.

  • Identify KPIs – These will help you measure the success of your content against your goals. If your aim is to increase sales, your KPIs might include website traffic, conversion rate, and average order value.
  • Tailor Content to Different Stages of the Buyer’s Journey – Not everyone who encounters your content is ready to buy. Some might be in the discovery phase, while others could be considering their options. Create content that caters to each stage, guiding them gently towards conversion.
  • Experiment and Refine – With an ever-changing landscape, what works today might not work tomorrow. So, be open to experimenting with different types of content, formats, and calls to action (CTAs). Use data and analytics to refine your approach continuously.

Set SMART Goals

To keep your content strategy focused and effective, set SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, rather than aiming to increase website traffic, set a goal to increase website traffic “by 20% within the next quarter through a series of targeted blog posts.” This is more specific and helps you create content with clear intentions, not broad or vague goals.


Crafting Compelling Headlines

Your headline is your first (and sometimes only) chance to grab the reader’s attention. It helps to make a powerful first impression and draw people in. Here’s how to craft headlines that not only do this but also drive them to action:

  • Grab Attention – Be clear and make a promise of value. Your headline should instantly convey what the reader will gain from reading your content, avoiding click-bait statements just for the views.
  • Use Power Words and Numbers – Words have power, especially when it comes to headlines. Having emotionally charged words and numbers can add allure and provide a simple structure, like “transform”, “instant”, “essential” or using numbers such as “7 Secrets of…”, “10 Top Tips…” etc.
  • Keep It Honest – Avoid clickbait. Ensure your content fulfils the headline’s promise, building trust and credibility. Clickbait headlines may increase your click-through rate in the short term, but they damage trust and credibility in the long run.
  • Test and Optimise – Experiment with variations and use A/B testing to find what resonates best with your audience.

For example, you can transform a basic headline such as “Ways to Improve Your Marketing Strategy” into “7 Proven Marketing Strategies That Boosted Our Conversion Rate by 150%.” This combines specificity, power words, and numbers for maximum impact. Using compelling headlines will help you create blog content that converts, so make them as inviting as possible and worth the click.


Focus On Pain Point SEO

Pain Point SEO is all about directly addressing the specific challenges and questions your audience faces and not just going after high search volume keywords. By fine-tuning your content to answer these pain points with precision, you not only climb the SERPs but also establish your brand as a go-to solution – how’s that for a win-win? Here’s how to implement this focused approach:

Identify Your Audience’s Pain Points

Start by diving deep into your audience’s challenges through forums, social media, and customer feedback. Tools like Answer the Public can offer insight into the exact questions people are asking as well as the People Also Ask section on Google search results. You’ll then be able to come up with topics that address these issues.

Optimise Content Around Pain Points

Once you’ve identified the types of pain points your customers have, add them into your content as naturally occurring keywords. Research long-tail keywords that may have a small search volume or even zero searches related to this – these direct searches can be more targeted and can be more likely to convert compared to high-volume search terms. Use these terms in your headlines, subheadings, and throughout the body to make your content highly relevant and searchable.

Provide Value-Driven Solutions

Your content should offer clear, actionable solutions to these pain points. This approach not only improves your SEO by aligning with specific search queries but also boosts your credibility and trustworthiness among your audience.


Creating a Strong Call to Action (CTA)

A compelling Call to Action (CTA) is crucial for converting engaged readers into active customers. It clearly shows them what you’d like them to do whether it’s filling in an enquiry form, subscribing to a newsletter or buying your products or services. Here’s how to craft CTAs in your content that resonate and motivate:

Essentials of an Effective CTA

  • Clarity and Conciseness – Clearly state what you want the reader to do, using action-oriented verbs.
  • Sense of Urgency – Incorporate phrases that prompt immediate action, such as “Start Your Free Trial Today.”
  • Visibility – Ensure your CTA stands out with contrasting colours or bold fonts.

Strategic Placement

Don’t limit your CTA buttons to the end of your content. The placement of your CTA can significantly impact its effectiveness. Experiment with placing them at points of peak engagement, such as after a compelling section, rather than just at the end.

Remember, a strong CTA is more than a button or link – it’s a clear, compelling invitation to take the next step helping you to have long form content that converts. Craft your CTAs to guide readers smoothly from engagement to action, turning interest into conversion.


Using Social Proof

Social proof is essential in building trust and facilitating conversions from your target audience. These signals encourage conversions by showing potential customers that others have successfully signed up or purchased from you. Here’s how to weave it into your content strategy effectively:

  • Testimonials and Reviews – Incorporate testimonials and reviews into your content and near CTAs. Real-life endorsements can significantly sway potential customers by highlighting the value and effectiveness of your offerings.
  • Success Stories – Share detailed success stories or case studies that address common pain points. These narratives demonstrate how your product or service solves real problems, making your solution more relatable.
  • User-Generated Content and Social Media Engagement – User-generated content (UGC) such as social media posts from satisfied customers, can serve as authentic social proof. Sharing UGC on your platforms not only provides evidence of happy customers but also encourages more customers to share their experiences, creating an ongoing cycle of endorsement.
  • Certifications and Affiliations – Display any relevant certifications, awards, or affiliations to further establish trustworthiness. These symbols of recognition reassure customers of the quality and reliability of your services or products.


Benefit From Content Marketing That Converts

Creating content that converts is a blend of strategy, creativity, and analysis. By understanding your audience, crafting engaging headlines, optimising for pain points, and using compelling CTAs and social proof, you can transform your efforts and increase conversions.

Ready to enhance your content’s impact? If you want to revisit your strategy, experiment with different methods, and adapt based on the latest insights, our award-winning digital marketing agency is here to help. We’ll help you produce content that resonates and converts, helping you drive business growth.

Contact the team at Absolute today to elevate your content strategy and turn your digital marketing efforts into a conversion powerhouse. For further insights, please visit our blog, where you can learn about how to use colour psychology for your brand and 7 must-have elements of successful landing pages.

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